Month: February 2017

Finding Love

Valentine’s Day is here. I am not a girl that gets flowers, or gifts. I am not upset about this, just our relationship. In fact I told my husband I was going to have some balloons delivered to his workplace today. He told me tomorrow divorce papers would be delivered to me. He is just not a guy of public displays of affection, but always has a kiss or an I love you for me. I love my husband and I thought this Valentine’s Day would be a good time to tell how we met. 

Many many years ago I was working for the State of Minnesota. During that time in order to get a promotion or another job you had to take a written test and be put on a list. I was taking a test on a Saturday morning in St Paul. On the way out I grabbed a Meeting People magazine. I should back up a tad. I had just gotten back from a semester of school down in New Mexico. During my time there I found myself a little more, I tried to break out of the very hard shell of insecurity I had around me. During my time away I broke up with my boyfriend that had become very controlling. I realized I was worth more. 

A week or so before this fated Saturday my mom had made the comment, “you should let me pick your husband.” Well that was the craziest thing I had ever heard. But in saying and thinking that why couldn’t a parent know what is good for their child. Would they want their child to be unhappy or in a bad marriage? Still I didn’t like the idea of this at all. Now we are back to the Saturday and the Meeting People magazine. I got home and threw the magazine at my mom as a joke. Asking her to pick my husband, in a very sarcastic tone. 

Few days had past and the magazine was given back to me with dog eared pages and circles drawn. I thought are you kidding me she actually went though this thing. I was really in shock. I expected this had been thrown away. 

I went downstairs and decided to read the ads mom had circled. There was one ad that stood out to me. One that seemed to call to me. I did the unthinkable.  I wrote a letter. I told of me, of our new puppy, school and my major. I sent this letter off with no mention to ANYONE. 

A few weeks passed and my family got another new piece of technology, caller ID. A Chad Lundquist kept calling our house but we were never home. Messages were never left. This was about driving my father nuts. Who is this Chad and what does he want. Finally one night he called and I was home. He was the placer of the ad. We talked on the phone that night almost 2 hours. There was an immediate connection over the phone. I had to go upstairs and tell my parents who I was on the phone with. They were shocked and even more shocked I had answered an ad. 

We talked a bunch of times on the phone. Finally we met and had dinner, a drink and a movie. Worst movie ever but it was fun. We doubled dated with a friend and her boyfriend for the movie. Wow that would have been 1998. Seems like so long ago but at the same time last week. 

I loved dating Chad. We had so much fun. What I love is I could open up to Chad. I could tell him anything. The dark secrets you hold inside were easy to tell him. From our first meeting to our wedding was two years. Lots of has happened to us. Lots of stuff that probably would have caused couples to split. I love Chad he is my Valentine. 

He surprises me still. A couple nights ago we were driving home and he grabbed my hand and said he was proud of me. It took me off guard. He explained he was proud of me and the volunteer jobs I hold. He is proud of me for putting myself out there. That comment while holding my hand is exactly the kind of Valentine’s gifts I need. He is my Valentine. 

One Foot in the Present and One in the Past


Do you ever get that feeling that you are living in the wrong period of time.  Don’t get me wrong I love all the new modern technology.  A lot of technology has helped me in this world. Digital hearing aid, streamers, and personal loops have made a huge difference for me.  I also love the internet.  What I am getting at is crafting, cooking, gardening.  I know people do these things now in time but I don’t believe it is as prevalent than generations before us.

I enjoy having my garden.  Snapping peas or beans, making a BLT with a homegrown tomato is wonderful.  It sure beats a store bought any day of the week.  Seeing the plants grow, getting to maturity get me excited for canning.  Another skill that is declining.  I love to water bath can and to pressure can.  Knowing we have food and meals on a shelf is a satisfying feeling.  You never know when money may be tight, storms and you can’t get to a store, or a zombie apocalypse.  All very plausible and canned goods would be imperative.  Can you tell I am thinking spring!

Cooking from scratch is another lost art.  There is plenty of people that cook but there are so many box meals, take out, fast food.  Don’t get me wrong we do that also but I am trying so hard not to.  I want to use basic whole food ingredients for my family.  I want and enjoy making a meal from start to end.  Can be a little stressed on nights where there are evening activities but I get it accomplished most nights.  Knowing what is in our food I believe is the first step in trying to get healthy.  Slow and steady wins the race I have been told.  Call me old fashioned but I feel if I am home before my husband it is my job to make a meal for us all.  Minus the tablecloth, good china, a dress and a string of pearls.


Lastly is crafts.  I love crafting.  I love seeing something in a magazine or online and trying to make it.  If that would be painting, jewelry, or decorating.  My main craft I go back to for almost 30 years is knitting.  For a birthday when I was a teenager I received a wicker basket with knitting needles and blue and yellow yarn from my aunt.  She taught me to knit and I made my first scarf that was an homage to my Swedish heritage.  I have left knitting behind at times but it is like an old friend and always welcomes me back.  When I attended college in New Mexico blankets were knitted for people.  It was a good past time.  Scarfs and hats have been made for my children.  For a while I knitted and sold my items under, Ausome Knits.  My knitting needles have been out again this winter.  A new scarf for my son, a couple birthday gifts are being made.  Tonight at church we are having a crafting night.  Bring what ever projects you are working on and we can fellowship and work on them together.


Now there are some skills I wish I could get a little stronger at.  Sewing, I have a couple sewing machines.  I would like to boost my skills in this area. Also small needle crafts like cross stitch.  I have never done this but I think it looks like another good past time.

Could I live in another time period.  I think I could.  It wouldn’t be as easy as now but heck I have never owned or had a dishwasher so that dreaded chore would be the same.  Going to have to live one foot in the present and one in the past.


Super Bowl 2017

Super Bowl in America is like an unofficial holiday.  Snack food is on display at all the stores.  People are asking you who are you cheering for this year.  Parties are held, bars are full and friends and families get together.

A few weeks ago I told my husband I wanted to host a party this year.  We used to attend a yearly party with friends.  I have great memories of those parties.  Kids playing, food galore, guys watching the game, and lots of laughter.  He agreed to the party and I got started trying to organize my small soiree.  I decided to make a turkey and we would have shredded turkey sandwiches.  Other food would be brought so I wanted the main dish type food covered.  We cleaned the house, made sure we had enough seats, made the food, and got excited.

I am not a football fan.  I will watch a game more often now in my life since my husband and son are interested in it.  My son is 8 and he is going to play for the Seattle Seahawks some day.  Just giving everyone fair warning we may may have to brag a lot when that happens.

There was something different this year than going to other get together’s or parties.  It was hosted at my home.  A person with hearing loss can have great anxiety when with a group of people.  I used to think this was unique to me but after finding my tribe I have learned I am not alone on this topic.  I enjoy socializing with people but that first step out the door going to a social event terrifies me.  If it is a home party, a meeting, or even church I feel like I could be physically ill.  Knowing when I am in a group of people my hearing for comprehension drops like a rock.  I try to answer the most obvious questions but that can often be wrong.  I think they asked, “How are you?” I answer, ” I am great how are you doing?” they do a little laugh and then re-say their question which was not what I answered at all.  I feel my cheeks burn and I am embarrassed and feel stupid.  I probably shouldn’t feel these emotions but I do.  I am human and that is what I feel.  Being in a group of people, like a Super Bowl party there is laughing, kids yelling, TV is on, a few different conversations going on.  It is darn hard to focus on one conversation and follow.  Saying all this I had a great time last night.  We had enough food I could have fed the whole block.  We had a great turnout.  We were missing a few due to illness, darn germs.  There were a few times I just checked out.  I faced the TV and watched the game and was amazed how into the game I got.  It was a nail-bitter that is for sure.  I was able to escape to my kitchen, or my room for just a few minutes if needed.  The Lundquist 1st Annual Super Bowl Party I believe was a success.  I hope our guests equally enjoyed the company of friends and fellowship.  Next year is already on my calendar.  It will be a big deal next year as it is held in Minneapolis.  I am excited and so relieved that the night went well.

I was cheering for the Falcons but it was a good game and it held your attention until the bitter end.  Football, Food, Friends, and some funny commercials was a great end to the weekend.