Month: November 2013

Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks

I guess you can always find something to be thankful for. I can say the obvious I am thankful for food, shelter and water. I am truly thankful for the those items but this year I have been pondering this question and I find I am thankful for so much more.  I am thankful for my husband that has a birthday tomorrow. He has been known to drive me nuts and make me laugh until I can’t breath all in an hours period. He makes life interesting. I am thankful for my daughter who is getting so grown up. Everytime I look at her I am amazed and I wonder where my little girl has gone.  Thankful for my son who has shown me a new way to look at the world. He has introduced me to trains and I am proud to say I know all the trains names.

As I grow older I find more and more to be thankful for. I am thankful for the wonderful teachers and staff at my children’s school. It is so nice that they both love going to school and are excited to go each day. I am thankful for the wonderful Tae Kwon Do family our family belongs to. It is wonderful for our children and it warms my heart every time we all get together. I am thankful for CASE IH that is my husbands employer. It is fun to see a sprayer in a field and think my husband helped build that. I am thankful for doctors and modern technology which is helping me through a recent event where I lost quite a bit of my hearing.

When we look around we should all be able to see the splendor of the earth and the gifts God has given us. I hope you have a wonderful turkey day and are able to spend it with someone you are thankful to have in your life.


FRIDAY doesn’t that word just relax your shoulders and cause a sigh. Well it does for me. Of course for us mom’s the weekend really doesn’t bring a whole lot of relief but what it does bring is family together and no schedules.  The kids probably will still get up at 6am but I won’t need to yell and scream and wake the dead that we NEED to leave for school in 5 minutes. It is a time to relax a little. Maybe go out to eat or watch a movie in the middle of the afternoon. Yes the weekend and after this week we need it.

There is always something going on in this house. It is a semi-organized chaos. Last weekend we had a tae kwon do tournament. I love those days. They are tiring and crazy but what proud mom moments. Seeing my son bow to the judges just made the tears flow. Here is a boy that last year couldn’t say a full sentence let alone go into a room of people without a full meltdown. WOW he did it and came home with two trophy’s. My daughter just kicks butt. I never imagined yelling and cheering for my daughter to KICK HER, KICK HER IN THE HEAD. I get into this. I am a tae kwon do mom at heart. Then the week went into school, audiologist appt for my son, sick kids, sick mom and OH YEAH halloweeen. Like I said semi-organized chaos.

Take a moment this weekend and breathe. Go outside and take wonder in the falling leaves, the cool crisp air and the autumn smells.  This is a time to make memories if it is pumpkin patch time, apple picking or raking the leaves. This is that little window of fun until it is white, cold and pick up that shovel.

white belt for the judges
white belt for the judges

It is FRIDAY just breathe.