Tag: Sunday School

Christmas Program, TaeKwonDo test, and IEP’s Oh My

The week before Christmas is always busy it is crunch time.  It is the week where you realize how much you didn’t get done getting to this point.  This year I have the presents bought but are any wrapped…NOPE.  This week will be a busy one. Tonight will be a night for memories. We have our Sunday School Christmas Program.  Both Kids now their parts and hope they will be nice and loud up there tonight so I can hear their sweet voices.  There is so much work that goes into the program.  Getting the kids organized to get up on stage is a job in it’s own.  It will be cute and special and I am looking forward to it.  

Tomorrow morning is a day that brings worry to the pit of my stomach.  We just had a bunch of testing for my son at school and tomorrow is the results and the new plan.  The dreaded IEP meeting.  There are so many people to this meeting I am a tad nervous and thinking this is overkill.  I don’t know if they will all be there but it seems like a lot to me.  So for my 5 year old it is the teacher, school psychologist, OT(has OT 3 times a week), SLP, PyEd teacher, Testing cordinator, principle, Deaf and hard of hearing teacher (Henry has borderline hearing loss), and the early childhood special education teacher.  WOW that is a lot of people.  I am a tad nervous what they will all say.  He is doing well at school with a para and the Title 1 teacher so I don’t know what I will hear.  I guess the fear of the unknown.  

Tomorrow night is my son’s orange belt test for TaeKwonDo. A time to be proud and take lots of pictures.  Greta my black belt daughter will be helping with the test. She takes her job very seriously helping these younger kids.  Crossing fingers we have an orange belt kid at Christmas.  

The week just continues to be busy, it is the time of year.  This week is one for the kids- programs, tests, meetings OH MY.  Just hope to find sometime in the week to find the time to get what I need to get done.  The days are counting down to Christmas and FAST.  

Hope you can all find the time to get your Holiday things done but find the time to make memories and savor those little times.